A new logo for our 30th year

For quite a number of years the society has been using an historic photo of a picnic near New Farm Park rotunda as our logo. In this our 30th year, we would like to have a new logo – “a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol used to aid and promote public identification and recognition. It may be of an abstract or figurative design and may include the text of the name that it represents as in a wordmark”. (Wikipedia)

How would you depict a historical society called New Farm and Districts – Teneriffe, Newstead, Bowen Hills,Fortitude Valley – in a logo?

We are looking for a simple, clear line drawing in colour or black and white that depicts our area and includes the words New Farm & Districts Historical Society. It may include “since 1994”.

We would like to be able to launch the new logo at the June meeting. Therefore, submissions need to be in the hands of the president by Saturday 20th April to allow the committee to choose the most appropriate design. Now is the time to allow the creative juices to run freely. Everyone is welcome to submit one or more entries.


David Hinchliffe is kindly sponsoring this project by donating one of his paintings as a prize for the winning entry.

4 thoughts on “A new logo for our 30th year”

  1. If one is submitting an entry for the new logo, are there any size restrictions re the entry, and can you submit more than one?

    1. Desley Garnett

      Hello Lynne

      thanks for your enquiry about a new logo. We did not devise a set of preconceived guidelines as we want to see what creative people come up with. Maybe that is not very helpful! The logo needs to be in landscape to be able to use it as a letterhead and as a masthead for things like the website. If you need more information than that, I will have to consult with others who will have more knowledge than I do. You may submit more than one entry. Please let me know if you need more information.


  2. Thanks Desley.
    Who do we send our desugn to?
    And do we send by post?
    Can i please get address or email ( if sending photos)?

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