I am writing this on April Fool’s Day, but there are no tricks in this message!
It seems as if history is repeating itself—a pandemic just 101 years after the Spanish Flu contagion of 1919.
Luckily, we are in a very different world. We understand more about how diseases are spread; we live healthy lives, and are not nutrition-depleted as after WWI; we have an excellent health system with ICUs and ventilators available; plus, we are in a digital age which delivers news and information in many ways and can keep us entertained in our homes.
Nevertheless, many things remain the same: isolating, wearing masks, washing hands regularly, food deliveries to households, and closing the borders.It is no surprise to anyone that our regular monthly meetings remain cancelled until at least July and we expect on current information that it could be longer.
We missed our movie afternoon—and the Anzac Day meeting was to be a talk about men from New Farm whose names are on the honour board at St Andrews Uniting Church in the city. In May we were to hear about the history of sweets, and then in June the Japanese house built in Langshaw Street.
We are grateful to the speakers who were booked for those meetings for their willingness to reschedule when this crisis eventually passes. Thank you to Gerard for agreeing to keep our contact with you through the newsletter. There will be no meeting reports or information about the upcoming meeting, so Gerard needs your help with your interesting historical photos and stories.
We all have memories and we all have a bit more time available with the curtailment of our regular activities, so why not get to work with pen or keyboard, and email or post your offerings, short or long, to info@newfarmhistorical.org.au or PO Box 1141, New Farm Q 4005.
Stay well, stay cheery…
Ross Garnett