27 March 2021. View the presentation here.
AT our March meeting, historian, presenter and teacher, Mark Cryle, will explore the origins of Anzac Day. In 2016 Mark was awarded a Q Anzac 100 Fellowship from the State Library of Queensland.
All would agree that Anzac Day is the country’s most significant national day and that it is capable of generating powerful emotional responses from Australians.
“When the commemoration took shape during the traumatic years of WWI, it was an event which generated mixed feelings, especially as the horror of war dragged on,” says Mark.
Mention will also be made of Canon David Garland, known as the ‘Architect of ANZAC Day’, for whom a significant memorial has been installed at St Mary’s Church, Kangaroo Point.
The meeting is to take place on Saturday, 27 March, 2-4pm. There will be room for 100 attendees, and a streamlined afternoon tea will be available. All are welcome. Entry: $5 (members $4). A video of the presentation may be viewed here.
See the March 2021 Newsletter for more details.