by Ross Garnett
Many thanks to those who attended the Annual General Meeting in August.
I have listed below the new committee for the 2017-2018 year.
Special thanks to Barry Martin as he retires from the committee. Barry has meticulously kept the membership list up to date for several years— however, you will be pleased to know that he is not retiring from being the coffee man behind the counter at our monthly meetings.
We welcome Ben Wieland to the committee. Ben was a great supporter of the historical section at the Teneriffe Festival and he recently discovered that his grandfather was a postman in the Teneriffe area where he and his wife have purchased a unit.
The following were elected to the committee for the next 12 months:
Ross Garnett (President), Phil Evans (Vice president), Bernadette Driessen (Secretary), Denise Buckby (Treasurer), along with James MacDonald, Ann Sargeant and Ben Wieland (committee members).
We look forward to another interesting year, and your suggestions to choosing speakers for our meetings are always welcome.